Real Power

For those who held out until now, this post will reveal what real power is all about. It comes from a ASA SK+ Supercharger system. This simple bolt-on kit gives you 40hp instantaneously. Forget about your CAI and other so-called power enhancing devices. This is the real thing. I don't need to show you a Dyno Chart about the power increase because I am not a figures kind-of person (and also because I don't have a scanner). However, with the increase in bhp and torque, there are some problems you have to deal with. Well, they are not really problems yet unless your preparations is rock solid. For a start, due to the huge jump in torque, be prepared for your transmission to wear out faster than normal. 6 months after installing the supercharger, I had to change the vibration damper on my car because it was ripped apart. During one of my B-road drive, the damper snapped and I lost my air-con because the air-con belt rides on the damper and fell off. The gear-box is starting to make lots of clanking sound now. Shifting is still fine but its a matter of time before the transmission fails. The biggest disappointment about installing the supercharger was the lack of usable power. I could never get past 240km/h because the transmission failsafe program would cut in. While I appreciate the thoughtfulness, it really bugs me. On hindsight, I realised that my preparations were not thorough enough. I should have strengthened the transmission system more thoroughly and if possible, switched to a manual transmission. But the cost of doing all that would have made no economic sense. Well, I had my fun with a supercharged engine. It was nice blasting keeping up with the Porsche and drivers coming up to you later with that "what the hell you have inside that engine look". The supercharger has since been removed. For those who are considering supercharging, you need to ask yourself a question: how hard do you drive? Are you prepared to put up with the collateral damage? Don't kid yourself. My advice if you really want to take this route, make sure your preparations are thorough.